What army check in ISSB test for selection in Pakistan initial test

In Pakistan, It is the dream of every person to go into the army. Every year a lot of students apply in the army, navy, and air force but there is a lot of students which could not be selected for it 🙁. 

ISSB test for selection in Pakistan | ISSB initial test Preparation

Most students do not know what the army needs in them and which quality they are finding. Here I will tell you 10 things which the army needs. If you add these qualities to your life and personality then no one will stop you from it. So read this article completely and note these points. Intelligence tests also held for it.

What army check-in ISSB test for selection in Pakistan | ISSB test preparation | ISSB initial test

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⬛ Mentally and Physically Preparation

Your movements

In the army, your movements and expressions are monitored and determined in interviews. It includes meeting with others, sitting style, thinking, discussing with someone, alone or in the group, every moment you are monitored for selection. 



In the army, self-confidence is given more importance because self-confidence and attitude make you fully balanced mentally and physically. This helps in doing the correct decision on any occasion. 

General Awareness

In the army, you have to deal with different types of people and have to manage people related to different traditional and social life. So the general knowledge and social awareness will help you for a good leader in the future.


Army check that how you manage problems and situations in different challenges for leadership. Here you have to take care of these 5 things, 

  • A better understanding of situations
  • Saving yourself from mental pressure
  • Keeping the team under control
  • Make quick decision
  • Protect your team

Academic Record

Your academic record represents your attention to your work. I am not saying that your academic Record should not be extraordinary for ISSB test selection. It should be reasonably good but not so bad.

Communication Skills

ISSB test requires good communication skills for discussion and debates with others. As we discussed that in the army you have to meet with different types of people, so your communication skills should be extraordinary. Your commanding techniques will be good with a good way of talking. So do study as much as you could and spend time mostly in education.



You know that Pakistan win the T20 world cup in 2009 in command of younas khan. He asked, "don't lose hope until you lose". To remain motivated, you can listen to motivational lectures also. This will help you a lot in every part of life.


ISSB test requires fitness mentally and physically. Mental health is very important. Don't ignore it, it increases your strength, stamina, and concentration. With good mental health, you will be able to challenge your problems.

Eating Healthy

It looks ordinary but you do not have to ignore it. Use fruits, vegetables, and meat in your daily life for good health in the selection of the ISSB test of Pakistan. Drink milk daily and taste sweets a minimum of 2 times a week.


The most important thing required in the ISSB test preparation is your intelligence. In the army, only that person can be selected who pick words fastly, solve problems of the issue, and best planning. All this is possible only with good health. To increase intelligence, solve the mathematical questions of intelligence, solve puzzles and play games to increase IQ.


These are 10 things that you have to follow in your life for selection in the ISSB test. When you reach ISSB, these 10 things will help you a lot. If you have any questions, ask in the comments I will answer you. Thanks 😊

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